Firearms are often shown on television and in movies as glamorous. Additionally, the consequences of shooting a gun may not be portrayed as seriously in the media, because children often see actors “shot” alive in other films. Toy guns can add to a child’s perception that real guns, like toy guns, are harmless and fun. It is important that your child knows the difference between a real gun and a toy Soft air gun.
What Precautions Should You Take?
Correct storage
Firearms should always be stored unloaded and separate from ammunition. The firearm and its ammunition should be locked up and out of the reach of children. Teach your child the dangers of guns, this can help prevent accidental injuries and death related to firearms. Parents should teach a child to do the following if she sees a firearm:
- Do not touch the firearm.
- Leave the place.
- Tell an adult immediately.
- Use safety devices
Safety devices such as gun catches, locking gun racks, and gun safes should be used on all firearms in the home. Firearm safety devices can prevent most fatal shootings in children under 5 years of age.
Other precautions
- Never handle a gun near a child
- Always treat all firearms as if they were loaded.
- Always point the muzzle in a safe direction, no exceptions
- Keep your fingers away from the trigger
- Set strict safety rules in your home for the use of firearms
- Verify that your neighbors, friends or family follow safe storage practices if they keep firearms in their homes