If you don’t know where an email comes from and you get several emails a day, take it to the SPAM folder. In the case of individuals, Gmail is completely free, has a storage of data far superior to most managers of mail, even paid, and allows a very practical management with the creation of filters, labels folders, among others.
Put Up Here: Hotmail
However, the company recommends changing the password as a precaution to affected users, and also warns that the accessed data can be used to carry out “phishing” campaigns “spam” through unsafe senders.
However, if we use the encryption and forwarding prohibition functionality, as well as the email and attachments will be encrypted even after they have been downloaded, in addition to the fact that the recipient user will not be able to forward the email.
As we explained at the beginning, it may be that a professional email signature is important for a serious appearance and I can even tell you that it is mandatory in the business sector: commercial email services are considered a formal method of communication, in the same way as letters of introduction with a business seal and business letterhead.
You will then have to select the Move to Folder option specified in Step 1. In Step 2, to finish configuring the rule, you must click on the word that appears highlighted in the blue text (specified), which refers to the folder in which you want to have all your emails.